Teams and Culture

Has remote work decimated your workplace culture? Are you concerned about establishing new team norms and a collegial work environment with a hybrid work model? Have leadership and staffing changes caused a decline in morale and productivity? We can help with that.
Evaluate and guide client and teams to improve workplace synergy particularly around hybrid and remote work. Assess and develop a step by step plan for improving office dynamics, team collaboration and workplace efficiency, encouraging diversity of thought and culture.
We will:
Provide checklists by function for improvement
Re-Onboard the team to set new priorities, processes and mutual understanding of the vision and work
Plan and execute leadership development strategies at all levels
Review and recommend changes to positions and job descriptions to improve workflow and team synergy
Provide one on one management and leadership coaching
Execute team building activities to improve productivity, office culture, morale and overall success
Develop curated reading lists for team continuous learning and performance improvement
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